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By: Niki Sanness, Finance Manager

We have been utilizing phenol-free (BPA/BPS-free) receipt tape at the Co-op for several years. Most thermal cash register receipts contain either BPA (Bisphenol A) or BPS (Bisphenol S). Because these chemicals simply line the receipt and are not bound to it, the residual is said to be easily absorbed into the body through the skin.

BPA has shown to have a potential link to cancer, obesity, attention disorders, and also be potentially hazardous to fish and other animal reproductive systems. BPS has shown to have similar effects.

The thermal receipt tape that we are currently using at the Co-op comes from Rolly Receipts and the reactive coating is vitamin C based. We make this choice to provide the most safety to our staff and customers.

In addition to being a great product, Rolly Receipts plants a tree for each case of product they sell – through the One Tree Planted Foundation.

And if you want to go one step further, speak to a cashier and they can set up your member/owner account to have receipts emailed to you instead. This has been a great thing for families with multiple members of their household using the same account.

Thank you for shopping the Oneota Co-op!

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