
Six candidates will be on this year’s ballot 

A fundamental part of the cooperative difference is that Oneota Co-op is democratically controlled by its member/owners. We embrace democracy through our annual board of directors election, in which Oneota Co-op owners elect other member/owners to serve as directors, and in some years, in which member/owners vote on proposed Co-op initiatives. 

Our election opens Saturday, March 1 and closes Thursday, April 1. Member/owners in good standing (current on purchase share agreements) are eligible to vote. Member/owners may vote electronically or via a paper ballot (see details below). Ballots may also be completed at the Co-op; digital voting access, or a paper voting option, will be provided.

Member/Owner Information Update Form

First, please take a moment to follow this link and update your contact information to facilitate our current, and future, electoral process. Note that receiving marketing-related information is opt-in only. 

The Co-op strives to manage the most fiscally-responsible and democratically-aligned election possible. This is why it’s especially important that we have a current email on file for each member/owner on file. The rough cost per election to mail paper ballots via the UPSP is $4,000; meanwhile, the number of member/owners choosing to vote electronically continues to grow. The money the Co-op could potentially save in a reduction of paper ballots would allow us to “grow the good” in other areas. Further information on this may be found in the contact information form indicated above.

2025 Election Specifics

Member/owners in good standing as of February 12, 2025 will be notified with election details beginning March 1. Member/owners with a valid email address on file will receive voting materials via email from Simply Voting. Those for whom the Co-op does not have an email address on file, yet has a physical mailing address, will receive information via USPS. This information will contain a personal ID and password unique to each member/owner which will be used by the member/owner to vote electronically in the 2025 election, as well as information regarding the Annual Meeting of Co-op Membership.

For those interested in submitting a paper ballot, these along with printed candidate statements may be picked up beginning Saturday, March 1. Paper ballots and candidate statements will be mailed by request; please reach out to or call the Co-op at 563-382-4666 and ask to speak with Nate or Tanya.

This same process, based on the above-mentioned contact specifics, applies to those who become a member/owner in good standing after February 12, but before the end of business on April 1, with the exception being those for whom we provide mailed, paper ballots. These individuals will also receive printed candidate statements via USPS. All others will be able to access them digitally, or pick up printed candidate statements within the store. 

If you do not receive election materials and believe that you should, please email to verify your contact information and membership status. Completed ballots, electronic and paper, must be received at the Co-op no later than 8 p.m. Thursday, April 1.

Member/owners have the responsibility to review the candidate statements and vote for our new board directors during this March election process. Individuals completing their board service are Bill Iverson, Bee Lutz, and Carl Peterson. We thank them for their dedication to the Co-op.

Those with questions or concerns may contact the the board election staff and board members here:

Nate Furler, general manager,
Tanya O’Connor, marketing manager,
Brennan Allsworth, board vice president,
Piper Wood, board president,

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